#125 Happy Nagasaki Day – (the final test)

August 9, 1945, marks the anniversary of the third and final Nuclear Test conducted by the United States Government. Test? The nuclear bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima that took the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings were to “determine the power of the bomb.”

An official US Government booklet titled, “Announced United States Nuclear Tests, July 1945 Through December 1979.” New Mexico was at the top of the list as the first nuclear test. Second, on the list was Hiroshima. Third was Nagasaki. I must have been sleeping in history class when my teacher taught that lesson. Anyway, I am sure it was in the textbook assigned to read. How could I have missed that? Was I lied to?

Manhattan Project director, Gen. Leslie Groves, confirmed: “To enable us to assess accurately the effects of the bomb, the targets should not have been previously damaged by air raids. It was also desirable that the first target be of such size that the damage would be confined within it so that we could more definitely determine the power of the bomb.”

What type of Evil Empire would test a uranium-fueled atomic bomb on Hiroshima and then the plutonium bomb on Nagasaki to determine its destructive power? How different is this from the Nazi experiments on human life?

The fallout from World War ll destroyed our once proud nation. We converted from a humanistic republic to a military-industrial security state. NATO, the Cold War, Korean War, Vietnam, Yugoslavian wars, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine, were about world hegemony and profits.

Contrary to the narrative, they were not about spreading democracy. On January 17, 1961, Eisenhower told us about the Military Industrial Complex cabal. President Kennedy became a casualty when he pushed hard against it.

The list of its victims is enormous: the innocent bystanders that are robbed of their wealth to support evil (taxes, Federal Reserve-induced inflation); those collaterally damaged in war (ie. killed and murdered); those killed wrongfully by the domestically aligned security forces (police, FBI); the despaired that resort to crime or addiction; those in poverty, the list goes on.

Is it too late to regain control? The corrupt Washington duopoly system bought and controlled by the security predators is powerless. They cannot correct it. Those few that attempt to expose this distorted power hierarchy are silenced.

I do not see a David capable, powerful, and popular enough to slay Goliath. I guess I will have to sit back and watch it destroy itself and hope it does not come at the expense of innocent American civilians.

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